Read more: New iOS 14.7 update for iPhone: The best features you'll use before iOS 15 hits Plus, the rumors are flying about iPhone 13 And don't miss the best new features coming to iOS 15, when you'll be able to install it on your iPhone, and why it's probably not a good idea to install the iOS 15 developer beta yet. After that, you can go bananas trying out different themes and perfecting the look and feel. We'll walk you through how to customize your iPhone apps in iOS 14. Creating an 'aesthetic' iPhone home screen is still a popular trend, but you need to follow a few steps to make it happen, with the aid of two apps.
You can change the size and color of your app icons, customize your wallpaper and even tie everything together into an overall theme. You can now change the way your app icons look.Īpple has never been big on customization, but since the iOS 14 update last year, it's finally possible to change the look of your home screen to make it as pretty (or 'aesthetic') as you want.